A hospital stay or having a medical treatment is difficult for any patient. They often get upset on the slightest things. One of the main problems many practices face is billing. Patients tend to question the amount charged and in some cases, there can be errors in billing too.
Here are some tips that will help your business deal with such issues easily:
Don’t immediately disagree
Healthcare is expensive, period. Medical supplies, expertise of specialists, equipment, and machinery used to provide medical services are all expensive. Most individuals are afraid of falling ill mainly due to the expensive bills.
It’s understandable when patients are upset when their revised bill is exponentially higher than the previous one. They’re going to voice their concerns as well. As a medical practice, your staff should be sensitive about this subject and empathetic as well.
Never disagree with a patient in such a situation, even if you’re not at fault. Your staff must understand how vulnerable they feel in the moment and perhaps lash out. Try to calm down a disgruntled patient and get them to have a civil conversation where you can explain the components of the bill.
Offer a solution
Just explaining why their bill is so high won’t be of much use. Try to solve their problem for them. Offer a number of solutions to help them pay off the bill. Most medical practices have a financial consultation department that specializes in offering easy payback options. These can be in the form of a loan or multiple payments or even via reimbursement through a specific process.
Your patients will be more likely to calm down once they realize you are trying to help them out and they should probably listen carefully to what you have to say. Knowing their circumstances, try and steer them in the right direction for their financial position.
Listen to your patients
In some circumstances, you just don’t have any solution for your patients. In such times, don’t dismiss them to get rid of the problem, hear them out in this time of distress. It’s already bad enough that they are ill and now they must worry about paying off these bills. Listening to the situation they are in can really help you figure out if there’s any particular aid they can take advantage of.
Apologize to them
We’re all human at the end of the day. There will be times when your staff has made a mistake in billing. When faced with such a situation, make sure they apologize for the distress and inconvenience caused. Rectify the mistake as soon as possible and provide as much assistance and information to the patient.
Outsource medical billing
Last, but definitely not the least–outsourcing. When your practice lacks the expertise on the subject, it’s best to outsource medical billing to a third party that has experience in the filed.
Employ the services of A & B Medical Billing Solutions for your medical practice. We provide medical billing services to clients in Delray Beach.
Call us at 954-596-9966 to learn more about our services.