Category: Accounting

A&B Accounting > Accounting
04 Oct

You have just started operations as a smalltime retailer selling products, mostly online. You know your trade – discounts and free shipping is the…

01 Sep

According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’ (ACFE) 2016 Global Fraud Study, organizations lose 5% of their revenue each year due to…

25 Aug

Healthcare providers serve the community with one single goal in mind: healthy and quick recovery of their patients. For any physician or medical service provider,…

14 Aug

Accounting is a crucial component of any business; it is simply not possible for a business to survive without having a sound financial department…

07 Aug

Financial reporting and accounting is a diverse branch of accounting which helps the business manage their financial transactions. Using different guidelines these financial reports are…

02 Aug

Every business has to deal with payrolls and effectively managing a payroll can be quite challenging, especially when the business starts growing. There are so…

17 Jan

Accounting is a complex task made easy with computer software. Programs like QuickBooks offer a chance to automate the process and ease the

02 Jan

As the owner, your business means everything to you. You have spent years, as well as significant resources to bring it up from the…

28 Dec

Most business owners rely largely on their in-house accounting department to receive an analysis on their financial statements at the end of every month.…

14 Dec

Accounting involves bookkeeping and a lot of other activities. People often juxtapose accountants with bookkeepers, when bookkeeping is actually the initial step in the…